Saturday, July 3, 2010

Playing with PowerShell and timerjobs

The goal for this blog post is to display how easy it is to manage and update SharePoint timerjob through PowerShell.

For this demo I created a Timerjobtest class that inherits from SPJobDefinition with an empty and an overloaded constructor that takes a SPWebApplication as argument and custom property call Message.


The first thing I do is restart the timer service (SPTimerV4) to ensure I’m working with the same version of my DLL as the timer service has loaded.

Then I delete all old versions of my Timerjobtest timerjob, load my custom DLL so I can work with it in my PowerShell script, after that I create a SPSchedule object used later.

Documentation on a valid schedule object:
The type must be a valid SharePoint Timer service (SPTimer) schedule in the form of any one of the following schedules:
- Every 5 minutes between 0 and 59
- Hourly between 0 and 59
- Daily at 15:00:00
- Weekly between Fri 22:00:00 and Sun 06:00:00
- Monthly at 15 15:00:00
- Yearly at Jan 1 15:00:00

Now for some of the core functionality of this script where I’m create an object of my custom SPJobDefinition. The syntax is like this [Fully-Qualified Class Name] $myvarb = New-Object "Fully-Qualified Class Name" -ArgumentList argArry. A nice blog post on creating PowerShell object from .net class is this one Then I update the newly created timerjob object, with the schedule object and set a custom property and then I call the update method on the timer job object. At last a get the timer job back from SharePoint and select the custom property Message and then get the timer job again, to run the timerjob ones.

The scripts look like this:

#clear the console, for debug purposes

#Restart the timer service
Restart-Service SPTimerV4

#Delete the old timerjob
Get-SPTimerJob | where { $_.TypeName -eq "Timerjobtest.Timerjobtest" } | % { $_.Delete() }

#Load my custom assembly, so it can be used in my script
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Timerjobtest, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5bfcf02a97af8d35")

#Creating a SPSchedule object from a string
[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSchedule] $schedule = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSchedule]::FromString("Every 10 minutes between 0 and 59")

#Crating an object of my custom SPJobDefinition
[Timerjobtest.Timerjobtest] $timerjobtest = New-Object "Timerjobtest.Timerjobtest" -ArgumentList (Get-SPWebApplication "http://win-ugka6ujlm21/")

#Sets the base properties of SPJobDefinition
$timerjobtest.Schedule = $schedule;
$timerjobtest.Name = "Timerjob test"
$timerjobtest.Title = "Timerjob test"

#Sets my custom property
$timerjobtest.Message = "powershell rocks!!!"

#Updates the timerjob

#Gets the Message property value from my timerjob
Get-SPTimerJob -Identity "Timerjob test" | Select "Message"

#Find my timerjob and run it ones
Get-SPTimerJob -Identity "Timerjob test" | Start-SPTimerJob

Happy PowerShelling

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