Thursday, November 28, 2013

How to load config file in PowerShell?

I had a problem with a customer where we would like to reuse one WCF endpoint from our web.config file. What Microsoft describes and a lot of blogs on the net, all you have to do is call [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.SetData ("APP_CONFIG_FILE", $pathToConfig) But it does not work because PowerShell already has loaded a config file loaded. Therefore, you should reset the config file “context” through reflection. To do so:

1 $pathToConfig = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\web.config"
2 #Set the path to the new config file
3 [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.SetData("APP_CONFIG_FILE", $pathToConfig)
4 [System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager].GetField("s_initState", [Reflection.BindingFlags] "NonPublic,Static").SetValue($null, 0)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Campus Days 2013 - The good, the bad and app

I'm talking to Campus Days 2013. More precisely, I talk on Tuesday at 14 My topic is "The good, the bad and app" and is about how Carsten Keutmann and I made SharePoint Manager Online 2013 to SharePoint Store. I will talk about what thoughts we did before we start coding and what experience we have made. My session will recorded and can be seen here

Sunday, September 1, 2013

What happens in the Danish SharePoint community over this fall?

After a lovely Danish summer, the Danish community now ready again for knowledge sharing and social event. There are already announced two knowledge-sharing arrangement. The first event is “Hvordan omsætter man forretningen krav til IT krav” (translates business requirements to IT requirements) and can register here The other knowledge-sharing event is “High availability med Sharepoint 2013” (High availability with SharePoint 2013) and can be registered here Other event on the drawing board is SharePoint dinner and a codecamp. The codecamp event is set to be hold in November 28.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Responsive design for SharePoint - codeplex project

Eric Overfield, D'arce Hess and Gilda Spencer has made this responsive design codeplex project. The project is base on Twitter Bootstrap or Zurb Foundation (4). And there have made som new page layouts where they add the html to be to get Twitter Bootstrap to work around the webpart zones. I do not know if webpart zones is the best solution but the project is super easy to install and good for demo purposes to explain what response design works.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Start WVware machines through the command line

In my current SharePoint 2013 environment, based on WMware Workstation, that is made up by an AD/SQL, two frontend servers, a WAC/Workflow server and a guest client Windows 8 machine. Is a pain to start all five VM, through the VM interface.


Luckily has WMware Workstation exe file support for argument to start a virtual machine.

1 start vmware -x "\[path/file.vmx]"

So my new favourite cmd file, on my desktop, look like this:

1 @echo off
2 start vmware -x "D:\Virtual Machines\AD-SQL2\AD-SQL2.vmx"
3 start vmware -x "D:\Virtual Machines\SharePoint 2013 APP1\SharePoint 2013 APP1.vmx"
4 start vmware -x "D:\Virtual Machines\SharePoint 2013 WFE1\SharePoint 2013.vmx"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Der SharePint, fredag den 24. maj kl. 17 på BrewPub, Verstergade 29, 1456 København K. Hvis du ikke ved hvad SharePint er, så kan du læse om det her

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

SPBG knowledge sharing meeting

On April 25 keeps SPBG knowledge sharing meeting in with Creuna, Hammerensgade 4, 1267 K. The speaker is Abi (@abi_london). Abi are from AvePoint will talk about backup and restore.

You can read more about it here and sign up here

Monday, April 8, 2013

New CodePlex project Create host named site collection

I just releast a new codeplex project to help create host named site collection.
Project contains a central administration page that creates the host named site collections. Fill in the form and at the top of the page, the code to be used be to create site collection via PowerShell appear.

You can find the project here