Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Upload content type template through PowerShell

In my current project, we make use of numerous different Word templates. To make template a part of the automated build process, I made a PowerShell script that

  1. Loop through a folder on the disk
  2. Find subfolder, named in a given way
  3. Find the template
  4. Finds the content type in SharePoint
  5. Upload the template to the content type resource folder
  6. Save the content type

And the content type is ready to get published.

PowerShell script:

1 Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
2 $url = "http://win-l2sfc3oetnn/sites/doctemp/" #ContentTypeHub Url
3 $templateFolderPath = "C:\Projects\demos\TemplateDemo"
4 $filter = "*.dotx", "*.potx", "*.vst", "*.xltx"
6 $contentTypeFolders = ls $templateFolderPath | where {$_.PsIsContainer}
7 $templateCount = (ls $templateFolderPath -Include $filter -Recurse | where {!$_.PsIsContainer}).Count
8 $i = 1
9 $fileMode = [System.IO.FileMode]::Open
11 $contentTypeFolders | % {
12 $path = $_.FullName
13 $foldername = $_.Name
14 $ctindex = $foldername.LastIndexOf("0x")
16 if($ctindex -gt 0) {
18 $contenttypeid = $foldername.Substring($ctindex, $foldername.Length - $ctindex)
19 $spcontenttypeid = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentTypeId $contenttypeid
21 ls -Path $path | % {
22 #Need to open a new spweb object, to "refresh" the current content type object, to aviod database update conflict
23 $web = Get-SPWeb $url
24 $spcontenttype = $web.ContentTypes[$spcontenttypeid]
25 $fileFullname = $_.FullName
26 $filename = $_.Name
28 Write-Progress -PercentComplete (($i / $templateCount) * 100) -Activity "Uploading templates" -Status "$filename on content type $($spcontenttype.Name)"
30 $i++
31 try{
32 #open the document template, as a filestream
33 $fileStream = New-Object "System.IO.FileStream" -ArgumentList $fileFullname, $fileMode
34 #add the file (SPFile) to the content type resource folder
35 $spcontenttype.ResourceFolder.Files.Add($filename, $fileStream, $true) | Out-Null
36 $fileStream.Close()
37 #set the current document template file to be the document tmeplate
38 $spcontenttype.DocumentTemplate = $filename
39 #update the content type
40 $spcontenttype.Update($true)
41 }
42 finally{
43 $fileStream.Close()
44 }
45 }
46 }
47 }

Download link

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