Monday, March 27, 2017

The lazy man’s Select-Object Expression

I have known the Select-Object Expression pattern since I started with PowerShell. Where the syntax is this:

select-object @{Name="Property1"; Expression={$_.PropertyObject.Property1}}

But a new PowerShell tip I lean this week is a syntax:

select-object {$_.PropertyObject.Property1}

The big difference is the headline on the column. In the first example, I control the column headline and the second example the headline will be:


Friday, March 10, 2017

Microsoft Office Developer Community Events, SPFx, MS Graph og Teams

Kom til et gratis heldags arrangement omkring udvikling i SharePoint Framework, Microsoft Graph og Microsoft Teams i København den 11. maj 2017.

På dagen bliver der givet en introduktion til udvikling i det nye SharePoint Framework, Microsoft Graph og Microsoft Teams. Kendskab til SharePoint/Office 365 udvikling ikke nødvendig, dog en fordel hvis du kan kode noget i forvejen!


  • SharePoint Framework.
  • Microsoft Graph.
  • Microsoft Teams: Bots, Connectors og Tabs.

Formatet for dagen vil være, at der bliver en del teori, i form af PowerPoint og demo. Men en rigtig stor del af dagen vil gå med demo, hvor deltagerne selv koder med (hands-on-labs).

Du kan læse mere her og tilmelde,

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Microsoft Tech Summit Copenhagen

Microsoft Tech Summit is comming to Copenhagen. If you have not already seen it, Microsoft is organizing a Tech Summit. The event is free. The event is on March 30-31, 2017. You can read more about the event and sign up for it there