Twice a year I have to print a lot of files in different formats. It's easy to do with a little PowerShell:
Get-ChildItem c:\receipt\ | ForEach-Object {start-process $_.FullName –Verb Print}
Twice a year I have to print a lot of files in different formats. It's easy to do with a little PowerShell:
Get-ChildItem c:\receipt\ | ForEach-Object {start-process $_.FullName –Verb Print}
I was installing an Office Online Server. And properly the easy thing to install in a complete SharePoint farm setup After installing and configuring the OOS farm. I did a bit of testing. But I ended up with this error:
This error only occur on Word file, not PowerPoint or Excel file
After a lot a googling, I found the reason is I installed the OOS on to a D drive “a security hardened drive”.
List of useful links introduce doing the SPBG Global Office 365 Developer Bootcamp:
While I was configuring Classification for Groups, when I sported the UsageGuidelinesUrl and GuestUsageGuidelinesUrl option. When set, a link appears in the Site Information box.
PowerShell to add, update, read and remove the guidelines urls
# get the settings id default template for Groups
$settingTemplateID = Get-AzureADDirectorySettingTemplate | ? -Property "DisplayName" -Value "Group.Unified" -EQ | select -ExpandProperty ID
#get the tempalte object
$Template = Get-AzureADDirectorySettingTemplate -Id $settingTemplateID
#create a setting object
$newSetting = $template.CreateDirectorySetting()
#set the property
$newSetting["GuestUsageGuidelinesUrl"] = ""
$newSetting["UsageGuidelinesUrl"] = ""
#save the settings object back to Office 365
New-AzureADDirectorySetting -DirectorySetting $newSetting
#Get the setting id for Groups
$settingID = Get-AzureADDirectorySetting | Where-object -Property Displayname -Value "Group.Unified" -EQ | select -ExpandProperty ID
#Get current settings object with the Groups ID
$setting = Get-AzureADDirectorySetting –Id $settingID
#Update the property
$Setting["UsageGuidelinesUrl"] = ""
$Setting["GuestUsageGuidelinesUrl"] = "http://public-url"
#Save the settings object back to Office 365
Set-AzureADDirectorySetting -Id $settingID -DirectorySetting $Setting
#read all settings
(Get-AzureADDirectorySetting -All $True).Values
Remove – All settings for Groups!
#remove all settings
$settingID = Get-AzureADDirectorySetting | Where-object -Property Displayname -Value "Group.Unified" -EQ | select -ExpandProperty ID
Remove-AzureADDirectorySetting –Id $settingID
Kom til SPBG erfa møde torsdag den 24. august, i København, og mød Peter Lunding Smith. Peter er Director Cloud & Innovation fra ProActive. Peter vil give en introduktion til Microsoft Teams og fortælle om hvordan du kommer i gang med at bruge Teams og hvad man kan bruge i forretningen. Vi afholder mødet hos Executives' Global Network fra kl. 17:00 til ca. 19 tiden. S.U den 20. august. Tilmelding sker på
I have known the Select-Object Expression pattern since I started with PowerShell. Where the syntax is this:
select-object @{Name="Property1"; Expression={$_.PropertyObject.Property1}}
But a new PowerShell tip I lean this week is a syntax:
select-object {$_.PropertyObject.Property1}
The big difference is the headline on the column. In the first example, I control the column headline and the second example the headline will be:
Kom til et gratis heldags arrangement omkring udvikling i SharePoint Framework, Microsoft Graph og Microsoft Teams i København den 11. maj 2017.
På dagen bliver der givet en introduktion til udvikling i det nye SharePoint Framework, Microsoft Graph og Microsoft Teams. Kendskab til SharePoint/Office 365 udvikling ikke nødvendig, dog en fordel hvis du kan kode noget i forvejen!
Formatet for dagen vil være, at der bliver en del teori, i form af PowerPoint og demo. Men en rigtig stor del af dagen vil gå med demo, hvor deltagerne selv koder med (hands-on-labs).
Du kan læse mere her og tilmelde,
Microsoft Tech Summit is comming to Copenhagen. If you have not already seen it, Microsoft is organizing a Tech Summit. The event is free. The event is on March 30-31, 2017. You can read more about the event and sign up for it there
I’m build a small JavaScript/REST base application for a customer. Where we to filter on three columns. Filter on one column is easy and straight forward. $filter=MyColumn eq 'myvalue’. But filtering on multiple columns is not as apparent. When I was read the documentation on it. It seems you need to add $filter multiple time to the query. But that is not true. The $filter operator shall only be added one time. Insert added AND/OR between them yours filters. Like $filter=MyColumn1 eq 'myvalue’ AND MyColumn2 eq ‘myvalue’. Or in my case, where I need to find an item between a minimal value and a maximum value.
"$filter=BodyRef eq '" + result + "' and Min le '" + size + "' and Max ge '" + size + "'"
It is getting old PowerShell script but did need it recently. The script collection log files from all the servers in the farm for a given period.
Tip: $time is the copy/paste value from the SharePoint error message box.
$time = "23-02-2017 11:26:52"
$time = $time.Trim()
$timeToAdd = 10
$startTime = [Datetime]::Parse($time)
$endTime = $startTime.AddSeconds($timeToAdd)
$path = "c:\temp\log $($time.Replace(":", [String]::Empty)).txt"
Merge-SPLogFile -StartTime $startTime -EndTime $endTime -Path $path -Overwrite