Friday, November 6, 2015

Office Word add-ins: Insert template base on Word, Part 3

This is a three-part blog series to introduce Word Add-in and how to use Open XML SDK for JavaScript. This is the last post of this three-part blog series on Office Word add-ins: Insert template base on Word is a resources post.


The two first links is for the and where to download the code.
- openxmldeveloper -
- mdownload -

The third link is to a snippet collection with sample for the build in Word add-in

The fourth link is to the MSDN section “JavaScript API for Office”, where everything about the API for Office Add-ins can be found.

Related blog posts

Read the first part here
Read the second part here

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Office Word add-ins: Insert template base on Word, Part 2

This is the second post of this three-part blog series to introduce Word Add-in and how to use Open XML SDK for JavaScript. This post describe what framework I use to read whole Word file and interact with the current Word file.

Read the first part here

Add JavaScript frameworks to the Word Add-in

To interact with an Office document, I use the JavaScript API that comes with the Office add-in. But read parts or the whole document, from the API service, I use the Open XML SDK for JavaScript. This API has the ability to create a JavaScript object base on a base64 string and the notion of Word packages. This allows the JavaScript FlatOpc object to insert to the Word file.


OpenXML Developer - Download -

Steps, add OpenXmlSDK, retrieve and insert template:

  1. First we need to download and add the openxmlsdkjs to the project.
  2. Modify the Home.html, head html tag, to include the openxml.js and dependence.
  3. Modify the Home.html, body html tag, to include a button
  4. Modify the Home.js
    - Bind the click event to a function
    - Create the click event function
  5. Fill in the logic of the insertTemplate function
    - Get template (base 64 string) from API service
    - Create a openXml.OpenXmlPackage object
    - Save the OpenXmlPackage to a FlacOpt object
    - Use the build-in Word API to insert the FlacOpt object to the body of the Word file
  6. The test
    - F5 to run the project
    - Click the ‘insert template’ in the Add-in. clip_image012

Related blog posts

Read the first part of the Office Word add-ins: Insert template base on Word here

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Office Word add-ins: Insert template base on Word, Part 1

This is a three-part blog series to introduce Word Add-in and how to use Open XML SDK for JavaScript. The goal of these blog posts is to create an Office add-in that can insert a Word base template into another Word file. By describe how to create a Word add-in that can read a Word file and use the file as a template. This allow an user to choice and insert a prepare template and the templates is easy created in Word.

User case:

  1. An user starts Word with the add-in.
  2. The user presses a button in the add-in.
  3. The add-in call a services for the template.
  4. The add-in insert the template in the current Word file.

Steps, Create the project and setup API services to return a template:

  1. Create a Word add-in project base on the “App for Office”.clip_image002clip_image004clip_image006
  2. Add a WebAPI webservice to the project.
    Add a Web API Controller Class to the project. N.B.! remember to post-fixet the filename with Controller!
    clip_image008Edit the ApiController to return a base64 string.
    This example read a docx file from a sub folder “Documetns” in the website that host the Add-in.
    clip_image010Add a Global.asax to the project to allow ApiController to be start and call.

    Add the folder “Documents” file to the project and create a Word file named template1.docx. And the project structure and Word file shout look something like this.clip_image015

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