Sunday, February 16, 2014

Self-Signed Certificates on IIS 7 – the Easy Way and the Most Effective Way

When I configure a test environment, that are using https, I need a certificate. To create a self-signed certificates, you must do a few things to get it to work on a host header. This problem and solution, Rob Bagby written about here

Monday, February 10, 2014

What are the plans during the year for the Danish SharePoint Community?

After a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year's is there already, although winter cold, many events scheduled in the Danish SharePoint community. There has already announced two events. One knowledge sharing event and the second is a SharePoint dinner. You can find information about the events at

What are the plans during the year? There is planned a knowledge sharing event about "round table discussion about app development vs. Solution farm development. For and against.". The events is not published yet but we are holding it at Bane Denmark on May 8th. The work around the annual celebration have already begun, which this year planned to take place in late summer. If all works out, there will also be an event around TFS online. End between all the wonderful knowledge share and social events, in between all the events that will hopefully be time a SharePoint Pint or two.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

A little REST

This REST query shows how to retrieve user information from a given version of a file:'/Shared%20Documents/test.docx')/Versions(1)/?$expand=CreatedBy
The query will include both the version information and the user information.

First: Query the file'/Shared%20Documents/test.docx')

Second: Query the first version of the file

Third: Use the expand function to retrieve the user information. Remember to add the $ in to the query string, to tell the rest service, the “expand” argument is a function